Alphabolin Methenolone Enanthate


SKU: 581 Category:

Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Methenolone Enanthate
Package: 100mg / amp. (5 amp.)


Manufacturer: Alpha-Pharma Healthcare
Form release: 1ml in the 100mg / ml vial
Active ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate
Country: India
Alpha-Pharma Alpha-Pharma in the sports field is known as one of the soft and non-dangerous steroids that does not cause side effects. Alpha-Pharma Alphabolin is available as an injection. Lalfabolina has a long period of action, about two weeks.

Characteristics of Alpha-Pharma Alphabolin

1. To achieve an optimal effect, the Primore is combined with preparations for mass harvesting, including no more than one name in a combined course. Both steroids must be used at half dose.
2. The drug cannot be converted to estrogen, which allows it to be taken without the risk of developing swelling or gynecomastia.
3. Alpha does not cause an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents jumps in blood pressure and increased hair loss in athletes.
4. Alphabolin detection time ranges from one and a half to six months, this should be taken into consideration when preparing athletes for competitions.
Active ingredient Alphabolin methenolone enanthate, is a modified testosterone molecule, which has reduced androgenic and anabolic properties. This means that the same dosage of Alpha-Pharma will produce a greater effect than a similar dosage of testosterone and will have fewer side effects, which is a great advantage of methenolone enanthate.

How to take the alphabet

Since the drug is quite mild and not fast, it requires a course lasting 6-8 weeks. But too tightening the course is also not recommended due to the increasing likelihood of negative side effects.

The course is conducted in dosages of 200-500 mg, based on the athlete's parameters and the desired results at the exit. As a rule, most athletes load 400 mg of the drug once a week and get a good gain in strength and muscle. Applying outside the recommendations over 600 mg per week is highly undesirable, as it sharply increases the likelihood of steroid side effects.

The drug can be used, and women, most importantly, do not plan pregnancy or child conception. The injection rate for women is 50-100 mg per week. Observing the recommended dosages will ensure the absence of the effects of virilization and masculinization.

The intake is also ideal for preserving muscle mass while drying and forming a relief. For an amateur athlete, it can and does not hurt to add muscle volumes, while a professional is likely to faintly notice this effect.

For those who want more, the Alphabolin course can be done in conjunction with other steroids. Combining with nandrolone esters will be the safest and most reliable option for mass recruitment with minimal recoil. Combining with testosterone of various forms or Sustanon will give a much faster and more powerful mass influx and increase in potency characteristics. For the same purpose, oxymetholone or methandienone is suitable.

To improve drying and more pronounced relief over such a steroid, Winstrol is often included. The rule for combined courses is one: the dosages of each steroid should be half of those recommended when taking a solo.


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